Cyber Eyez is an application for smart devices that enables users with low vision and blindness to be more independent in a sighted world. Users can experience their world and get things done efficiently and independently. By using a high definition camera and an on board computer, Cyber Eyez Family members enjoy tons of features from the Reading Assistant (both online and offline modes), to scanning bar codes and even detecting what mood your family and friends are in!Cyber Eyez is an Unparalleled Experience! Read your mail, restaurant menus, computer screens and more:
Industry-leading 70 degree field of view
Click and read online with Microsoft Seeing AI OCR
Identify over 1,500 colors online with Google machine learning
Recognize billions of objects online with Google
Scan bar codes for millions of products on Google Shopping
Magnify up to 20X to read, fill out forms, watch TV & see faces
Bluetooth pair keyboads, braille display, cochlear implants
We do all of this with smart devices providing a new level of freedom and independence with hands free operation and tons of features and modes to help you through your day.